Encouraging your customers to be more diligent with sign usage at their business will result in more business for them, and more business for you. What are the benefits of using a variety of signs to advertise businesses? Visibility for starters. When your sign shop enables businesses to get themselves out there through carefully designed signs, their customers and the community become more familiar with their business. Use the following questions to encourage your small sign business customers to examine their company's visibility with the aim of increasing their range.
  • What does your main sign look like? While it may sound like a pretty obvious question, find out what your customer thinks of their main sign. If possible, ask them to take a look at it. Is it dirty? Peeling? Hard to read? Determine together whether or not the main sign needs to be refurbished, remodeled, or replaced. If they have trouble deciding what to do with the sign, ask them to ask a trusted colleague to judge it. Chances are they will be in favor of an update.
  • Have you thought of using lettering on your vehicles? Signage on vehicles is a super-effective way to raise awareness for your customer's business. If they are hesitant about using vinyl graphics that apply directly to the vehicle or the window, you can recommend using removable magnetic signs. When these are found to be effective, most clients are interested in committing to larger vehicle graphics.
  • Have you thought of lettering someone's vehicle? No, we're not talking graffiti style. Transportation companies such as taxis, buses, trolleys and trains are more than happy to slap your logo on the side of their vehicle, for a price of course. However, considering the amount of people your advertisement will be exposed to, the cost is quite minimal. Pitch this to your customer to help them see how they can take advantage of one of the oldest forms of mass marketing around.
  • Where could we hang a banner for you? Banners hung from awnings, buildings, and main signs are a great way to advertise specials and sales. Banners can be viewed as little mini-press releases and used to advertise any sort of campaign or project your client's business is taking on. They are the perfect budget-friendly solution for advertising temporary events.
  • Have you thought of setting up an exhibit? Trade shows are a great way for businesses to see and be seen by thousands of people in a short period of time and at minimal expense. Businesses who don't own trade show displays may be able to rent a booth to showcase at a local event, utilizing banners, A-frames, and other signage. Offer a number of sign solutions for customers interested in using trade shows to increase their business' visibility.

The more visible the signs, the more people see them, and the more business your client receives. Do your best to encourage your clients to make the most of the sign options available to them, ensuring they see the good that comes from having a variety of visible, effective signs advertising their business.
