Pure Customer Satisfaction
Do not underestimate the goodwill created by personalized customer contact.

In the past we've touched on the importance of using social media to advertise your sign shop, but for many delving into the wide-world of Twitter or Facebook is still a bit intimidating. If you are still unsure of the benefits of using social media for your sign making business, consider this: without all the bells and whistles social media is just the 21st century's version of word-of-mouth marketing. That's right - all the buzz is generated by people telling people they like your business, using Tweets and Wall posts as their preferred medium of communication. Most businesses attribute a large percentage of their sign business to referrals. Referrals are what we work for as business owners, but many struggle to figure out exactly how to generate a referral. After all, what you need is for your customers to do the advertising work for you, speaking highly of your products and your company. What can you do to encourage customers to use social media as well as good old fashioned word-of-mouth to churn up business for your company?

  1. Make your company referable. Examine the relationship you have with your customers and see how each exchange with them results in either positive or negative fodder for them to spread. Do your utmost to make everything positive.
  2. Build your marketing strategy specifically for your ideal customer. Know who you are selling to and appeal to them. When customers are attracted to your company from the start by advertising tailored perfectly to them they are more likely to have a pleasant experience from start to finish that will leave them wanting to share that information.
  3. Give them something to talk about! And make it good! Know what makes your company different from your competitors and make sure your customers know it too. That way when there is a debate as to which company to go with, they can defend you as being the best.

Make sure that you don't let the craze of communicating through e-mails, texts and Tweets stop you from actually making human contact with your customers. Call your customers, speak with them. E-mail messages convey no tone, and carry no emotion. People want to refer businesses. It makes them feel like they have done something for the community; that they are helping people. If your business has no person attached to it, customers will be less likely to refer you to others. Ask customers how they feel about the product or service you have provided them with. Then, listen up! Hearing them describe their transaction with you and explain what they particularly liked or didn't like can be a real eye opener for you. It is especially powerful when it is a candid conversation, expressed in their own words. Aim to let the customer know you, come to like you, and trust you to handle their sign business.
