Darts Hitting Targets
Efficiency in your sign making business takes constant thought and attention.

No doubt you are a pretty efficient person. After all, you run your own sign making business, most likely that you have built from the ground up, and are probably responsible for the majority of decisions that take place with regards to that business. However, have you ever thought about how efficient your business is? Chances are, even if you are extra efficient, there are some ways in which your business could actually be more efficient. To increase the efficiency of your business try implementing these 5 suggestions:
  1. Keep a business calendar. This calendar should be used solely for business activities and remain separate from your personal calendar. It will help you to keep your work life at work and your home life at home and reduce scheduling confusion. Gmail's calendar works great for many. And it auto-syncs between you computer and smart phone.
  2. Save needed documents on your computer, or better yet, online. You will not only increase office space and decrease the need for massive filing cabinets and additional storage, your documents will be safer and easier to access. Online filing is better than on your computer, in case of catastrophic hard drive failure. Scan documents into PDF files, and then pitch the paper copies. Google docs let's you store up to 7.5 Gb for free.
  3. Continue the paperless activities by eliminating old-fashioned postal mail whenever possible. Email is faster and in many cases more effective than "snail mail".
  4. Take a few days to careful monitor the way you spend your time. You may find that the business is performing unneeded procedures that could be cut or modified to increase efficiency across the board.
  5. Do a spring (fall, winter or summer) cleaning. Get rid of items that you no longer need. Don't let unnecessary items clog up space in your business, and don't get extra storage space for things you are likely to never use. A clean, organized office promotes an air of efficient productivity.

If you have additional tips on how to be more efficient in your business please share them in the comments section below.
