If your sign business is still going strong, then chances are you are doing things right. However, now is not the time to make any mistakes, especially when it comes to marketing. Why is that? Well, at this point in the game, most businesses that are doing well are doing things right as well, which means one slip up can translate as a loss of business to the competition. Keep your sign shop at the top of its game by having a clear marketing strategy and avoiding these common marketing mistakes, get the best customer service motivational quotes and start building your business.
Number One: You've made a marketing investment, but you don't know the return on it. A great number of business owners make diligent marketing plans, invest the money, and then have no idea what exactly they are getting in return. You should be able to connect the money you have spent to a specific result. Simple ways to figure out out how your marketing efforts are affecting your business are by asking clients how they heard about you, and by modifying the way you advertise and measuring the results. Remember to include all forms of advertisement when analyzing the cost, including traditional print and online media advertisements.
Number Two: You've got a great online advertisement, problem is, its actually supposed to be your website. Your sign shop's website is a great way to connect to potential customers, but if all it does is read like an advertisement you are missing out. Don't use your website to solely to talk about your company, products and services; it should focus more on providing solutions to the problems and needs of your customers. Add content that is useful to your customers in the form of a video, a blog, or photographs. Reach out and show your personality and that of your business in the site, rather than just pushing for sales.
Number Three: Your salesperson is your go-to guy for marketing. Your sales team is a major part of the marketing equation, but it is not the only part. In fact, relying solely on your salesperson to bring in business is a big problem for many small businesses. In reality, the real work should come from your marketing strategies. Good marketing makes the sales process efficient by streamlining the business and putting everyone on the same page. Rather than having a salesperson pitch however they feel like, keep your business consistent. The sales pitch, website, company brochures and other marketing tools should all fit together nicely to form a clear picture of your business. Have you been able to master marketing?