The traditional method for getting people to use your sign website is by writing great content. While new experts in the online traffic field will tell you that social media, networking, and sharing links are more important, the fact remains, without solid information on your sign website you can't expect people to visit it, or share it with friends.

Every solid website, no matter how much time or money it spends on raising its rankings in the search engines, is held up by the back bone of solid content. While your website is probably not the key way you make sales, it should be an integral part of your business. The more you put into your website the more you get out of it. There are plenty of ways to do this, many of which have been discussed on this blog. The following information will help you make the content on your website more effective and appealing to your readers.

  1. Sit down and brainstorm a list of topics you would like to write about. Choose article ideas from this list.
  2. Pick a topic for your article, and stick to that one main idea. If while you are writing other, connected ideas come to your head, write them down on your brainstorming list, and use them for future articles.
  3. Keep it simple. Content that is direct and to the point is much easier to process.
  4. Don't use lingo that the majority of your readers won't understand. Write for the public, but make it interesting.
  5. Try to use lists, numbered or bulleted whenever possible
  6. End each article with an invitation for readers to comment on it. You want to encourage interaction among customers. Get involved in the discussion as well, replying to comments as they come in.
  7. Set specific days for posting up new content, and stick with it. It doesn't have to been daily, or even weekly (although the more fresh content the better). The point is consistency.

How do you keep content on your website fresh, effective and readable? Let me know in the comments section below.