This newly updated Siser color chart or guide displays actual product samples and colors. Find exactly what is needed when showing color options to customers or for a personal reference. This Siser color guide or color chart is a quad-fold color chart that displays actual product samples and colors and is great for showing actual color choices to potential customers or for personal reference.
This newly updated color chart features color swatches for:
- EasyWeed
- EasyWeed Electric
- EasyWeed Stretch
- EasyWeed Extra
- Twinkle
- Metal
- Glitter
- Sparkle
- Holographic
- EasyPatterns
- EasyReflective
- BlackBoard
Note: The color chart does not include CadFlex, Brick, Sub Block, EasySubli, or any ColorPrint products. Also not included are our custom EasyWeed colors including Island Blue, Aqua Green, Light Purple, Mint Green, Peach, Pumpkin, and Fluorescent Purple.
This newly updated color chart features color swatches for:
- EasyWeed
- EasyWeed Electric
- EasyWeed Stretch
- EasyWeed Extra
- Twinkle
- Metal
- Glitter
- Sparkle
- Holographic
- EasyPatterns
- EasyReflective
- BlackBoard
- Displays actual product samples and colors
- Easily show actual color choices to potential customers
- Ideal for personal reference