MUSE Artisan Vinyl Cutter Setup Video: English
Congratulations on your purchase of a new MUSE artisan vinyl cutter. You've come to the right place to get started. To view the MUSE Artisan vinyl cutter setup video tutorials, just scroll or swipe down the page. Below, you'll see all of the setup video's segments and their respective summaries. We suggest you watch them in sequence when you setup your cutter, then come back and view them at your discretion as needed.
As comprehensive as we tried to make the Artisan setup video, it's not the only support resource for the Artisan. The User Manual and other resources are available on the Artisan Support Resources page. Click Here for the Spanish Language Setup Video.
Segment One: Introduction & Stand Assembly
- Assembling the Floor Stand
- Mounting the Vinyl Cutter
Segment Two: Ports & Pinch Rollers
- Power & media ports
- Pinch Roller Activation & Placement
Segment Three: Loading Media
- Loading Roll Media
- Optimizing Tracking
- Loading Sheeted vinyl
- Using the Adhesive Cutting Mat
Segment Four: Blades, Blade-Holders, Plotter Pen
- Loading Blades in Blade-Holder
- 45° & 60° Blades
- Plotting Pen
Segment Five: Control Panel
- LCD Display Functions
- Control Panel Keys
Segment Six: Control Panel Menu
- LCD Menu Settings
- Languages
- Advance Mode
Segment Seven: Control Panel - Speed & Force
- LCD Speed, Force Display
- Setting Cutting Force
- Setting Cutting Speed
- Choosing 45° or 60° Blades
- Media Driven Considerations
- Design Driven Considerations
Segment Eight: Control Panel - WIFI Configuration
- Connecting to WIFI Networks
- Setting Password
- IP Address
Segment Nine: Software Installation - LXI
- Downloading & Installing LXi
- Artisan Driver Setup
Segment Nine-A: LXi - First Cut Job
- LXi Design Interface
- Cut Plot Window
- Default Job Properties
Segment Ten: Software Installation - Create Space
- Downloading & Installing Create Space *
- Artisan Driver Setup
Segment Eleven: Wifi Software Update - LXi
- Connecting your PC to the Wireless Network
- Updating the Artisan driver in LXI
Segment Twelve: Wifi Software Update - Create Space
- Connecting your PC to the Wireless Network
- Updating the Artisan driver in Create Space
Segment Thirteen: U-Disc Cutting
- Artisan U-Disc port
- LXi driver update
- Create Space driver update
- Artisan U-disc Menu Process
Segment Fourteen: Troubleshooting Tips
- Connection Issues
- Cutting Issues
- Weeding Issues
- Tracking Issues
* Create Space is a cross-platform application that runs on both MAC and Windows operating systems. The Artisan setup video segment for Create Space shows elements of both versions. For a complete MAC based setup video process, please refer to the MUSE M-Series setup video.