Don't be fooled by fake coupons for SignWarehouse products!

From time to time we are contacted by customers who say, "My coupon code won't work!" That's doesn't make customers or SignWarehouse happy.

Let's explore a few reasons why a SignWarehouse coupon code won't work and what can be done about it. 

Coupon Code Came from a Bogus or Fake Source

Let's face it, everybody wants a coupon. There are websites that have sprung up as a so-called clearinghouse to "offer" you coupons. These sites are fake and are solely designed to get you to give up your email address. Or they are clickbait, hoping that you will click on an ad placed on their pages. In any case, they are dishonestly offering a fake coupon that won't work.

All genuine SignWarehouse coupons only come from us. In most cases, they are unique to each user. We do not distribute any coupons through third-party sites so if that's where you found it, it's fake.

A few of these bogus sites that we have seen doing this are:

  • dealscove (dot) com
  • anycodes (dot) com
  • hotcodes (dot) com
  • coupon (dot) com
  • everafterguide (dot) net
  • couponsoar (dot) com
  • fridaycouponcode (dot) com
  • dealspluses (dot) com
  • etc, etc., etc.

Coupon Code Came from a Friend or User Group

Again, our coupons do not come from any third party, including your friend or a user group you belong to. In most cases, SignWarehouse coupon codes are unique to each customer, so they won't work if it is shared with someone else, or posted to a user group.

Oops! You Forgot You Used It or It's Expired

You forgot you used the coupon code already, so it doesn't work now. Either last week, last month, or three months ago, it was used. A rule of thumb: if you have used the code before or it has expired and you can't use it again.

In review, the only place we distribute legitimate coupon codes is directly through our website or an authorized SignWarehouse support staff member. Any other coupon codes are bogus and will not work. And, of course, expired coupons won't work either.